
Wrike is a project management and collaboration tool that helps teams organize their tasks, manage projects, and improve communication. As a product designer at Wrike, my main task was to improve the visual consistency across our platform to make it easier for users to navigate and interact with various features.

Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup



The design system at Wrike had become inconsistent because of multiple updates and changes over time. This inconsistency resulted in a user experience that felt fragmented, as different parts of the platform seemed mismatched. Additionally, the outdated design elements did not reflect the modern and professional image we wanted for Wrike. My job was to unify the design across all components and introduce a style that was clean and appealing.


My Role

1. Refactoring the Design System: I led a complete overhaul of Wrike’s design system. This started with a detailed review of all existing components to spot any inconsistencies. I then redesigned these elements and established clear guidelines for using colors, fonts, icons, and interface elements that matched Wrike’s branding.

2. Implementing Visual Consistency: After updating the design guidelines, I worked on applying these uniformly across all platform features. This step ensured that everything from simple buttons to complex charts followed the same design principles, improving the platform’s overall usability.

3. Refreshing the Visual Style: To make Wrike stand out from other project management tools, I updated our visual style to be more user-friendly and engaging. This included adding smoother animations and interactive elements that made using the platform more enjoyable.

Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup



The updates and thorough documentation of the design system helped transform Wrike to new design language. This led to better user engagement and more positive feedback, confirming that the changes were effective.With a strong and well prepared design system in place, Wrike can support teams in managing their projects effectively.

Let's link up and Collaborate!



Vu Minh Hieu


Let's link up
and Collaborate!


Vu Minh Hieu


Let's link up and



Vu Minh Hieu